5 tips for cutting down food waste

5 tips for cutting down food waste

by Vanessa Ng 14 Jan 2020

Food wastage is very much frowned upon, especially since society at large has begun placing more emphasis on “waste not, want not”. While minimising food waste can be something of a challenge when it comes to feeding a family, it’s anything but impossible. Here are 5 ways you can start reducing food wastage today:


1. List down what you need

Every meal prep starts with a list and sticking to it will allow you to avoid any excess. Buy what you need for the week and make sure the items are truly what you need. It may be tempting to get products that happen to be on sale, but you run the risk of it being left forgotten in the corner of your pantry, especially when there was never any real need for it in the first place.


2. Standby proteins

Meat should be a staple in most meals, but they are very often the first thing people push away when they start to feel full. To avoid binning food in frustration, separate, batch and freeze your cooked protein. You can spice up your leftovers by adding different herbs or sauces to it later. You can even have it in different forms – shredded, whole, or diced to vary the texture. By employing this method, you get to reap the benefits of batch cooking, but also allow some variety in your meals.


3. Save the stale bread

Bread that has lost its initial flavour can still be useful. Despite the change in taste, the fact remains that it still contains fibre, minerals and vitamins. You can make some delicious croutons for your healthy soup or salad. Simply start by cutting the bread into cubes of your preferred size, season it, put some olive oil on and toss it in the oven. Of course, you only want to do this with bread that is slightly stale, not those with mould growing on them!


4. Find use for the bits and pieces

Have tiny bits of vegetables, herbs or cheese left on your chopping board? They are perfect for smoothies, quiches, egg bakes. Instead of throwing them away, store it in an air-tight container for future usage. As long they aren’t too exotic, there’s always a good chance that you’ll find some use for them down the road.


5. Save the bones

Bone broths are extremely nutritious and delicious. While you may be tempted to throw away the bones in your beef or chicken, they can be saved to make a rich broth that’s both nourishing and delicious! By finding a use for parts that would otherwise be thrown away, you can prevent unnecessary wastage.


Being able to utilise food to its fullest extent is its own reward, as you’ll gain an even deeper appreciation of it and how it enriches our lives. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised at just how resourceful you can be when you put your mind towards something meaningful, like taking care of the environment!


