When life gets hectic and spins out of control, it can take a toll on your emotional and psychological well-being. To say that it is a terrible feeling might be an understatement. Feeling lost is something that everyone experiences, even at multiple points of their lives. If you’re having trouble finding the way back to your best self, try following these steps:
1. Have one less thing on your agenda
You might be feeling off-kilter due to having an overwhelming workload or other obligations. Scheduling one less thing on your agenda can provide you with the opportunity to take a break, however short it may be. Furthermore, with fewer things to do, you can increase your productivity by putting more focus on what is left on your to-do list.
2. Reduce time on social media
Social media is such a powerful tool that unrestrained usage can result in addiction. That is one of the reasons why some parents choose to limit their children’s access to such platforms. Instead of checking your Facebook or Instagram news feed first thing in the morning, take the time to have a relaxing cup of coffee or engage in a small bout of light stretching and movement. Start your day at a more gradual pace along with an appreciation for the simpler things in life.
3. Be mindful of your moods
Emotions can be fickle things that come and go, so it’s very possible for a good day to turn sour at the drop of a hat. Practice mindfulness as much as you can, and learn to pre-empt negative emotions before they can take root and do damage. Things like positive thinking not only protects you from the psychological fallout, but also hones your emotional intelligence.
4. Stop thinking too much
Overthinking is something that many of us are guilty of, but it is also something that some of us find it difficult to control. As a result, we become prone to worrying excessively. Try different forms of relaxation methods, such as using aromatherapy or listening to soothing music. Meditation is especially a good way to clear our heads. It is only with a clear mind that we can live our best lives.
5. Move more
Exercising and working out can help to reduce stress and other negative feelings. The act of moving can help increase blood flow and also produce feel-good hormones such as serotonin. You can vent unpleasant feelings through combative sports like boxing, or calm yourself with mind-body activities like yoga or tai chi.
6. Do good
Research has shown that performing an act of kindness can increase your happiness and your own appreciation for what you have. Try engaging in acts of charity, like making donations or helping to distribute food to the less fortunate. No good deed is too small; the best thing you could possible give anyone else is your time and attention.
7. Create a good physical space
It is important to create a space that is solely for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a large space, it just has to be a space that you can fit in and where you can spend time with yourself. Make the space yours by customising it to your liking, such as adding fairy lights, having a comfortable chair or beanbag, or lighting scented candles. Many people opt for their bedroom, but it can actually be any room in the house where you feel the most comfortable.
Modern life can indeed be very stressful, especially for the working individual. With all the demands and distractions going on in our lives, it has become increasingly easy to lose our sense of self. If all else fails, sign yourself up for a short vacation – some time away from it all might just be what your mind needs!