Can't Lose Weight? 5 Tips that Work

Can't Lose Weight? 5 Tips that Work

by Erika Long 01 Jan 2020

Being obese can cause various health conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseases. Though there are a wide variety of diets available, living a balanced healthy lifestyle is crucial for our bodies to thrive.


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are over 90 million obese adults in the United States. That’s about 40%.  Losing weight doesn’t need to be a complicated process. It can be easy when we focus on making simple, lasting changes in areas with the greatest impact on the weight loss equation.


Crash diets are not effective or healthy. The best approach for permanent weight loss is slow and steady, conscious behavioral changes so we lose fat and not muscle. Here are the top five proven tips that give the best weight loss results.


1.Eat Nutritionally Dense Foods

Healthy meals are the foundation of a smart weight loss program. Here is a simple meal plan that is well-balanced for optimal nutrition and healthy weight loss: 50% vegetables and fruits, 25% protein, and 25% percent whole grains. Shoot for a daily fiber intake of around 25 grams. Remove all trans-fats from your diet, and limit consumption of saturated fats intake as they have a strong connection with heart diseases. Instead focus on polyunsaturated fatty acids or monounsaturated fatty acids.

When we stick to whole foods and avoid any process ones, we are sure to get the nutrition we need.


Additionally, when restricting calorie intake, hunger is inevitable. Even the best intentions can be thwarted when hunger strikes. The best solution is to eat high volumes of nutrient-dense foods like green leafy vegetables and non-starchy vegetables. 


2. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity is important for both mental and physical health. For effective weight loss, we need consistent regular exercise of about an hour a day. Begin slowly. Perhaps just 15 minutes a day. Then do two sessions of 15 minutes. Eventually, keep tacking on time (maybe just 5 minutes at a time) until you are up to 60 minutes in one session per day and then begin to increase intensity. This approach is sustainable and will guard against injury. If working out seems intimidating, start with simple activities like walking a dog, raking leaves, taking the stairs, dancing, or gardening.


3.Avoid Drinking Your Calories

If consuming snacks is the first weight loss saboteur, drinking liquid calories is considered the second. These drinks pose the same threat as a calorie-laden snack. It easy to consume hundreds of calories in one sitting when we guzzle down sugary drink. Whether it’s sodas, sport drinks or blended coffee concoctions, unless it’s a nutrient-dense smoothie that is replacing a meal, stick with drinking only water or unsweetened coffee or tea.


4. Chew Slowly and Stop Eating Before You’re Full

To lose weight, some people simply need to eat less. It takes time (up to 20 minutes) for the brain to register that we have eaten enough. When we chew more slowly and stick to one modest portion per food group, we are more likely consume just what our bodies needs and not a calorie more.


5. Weight Train 3x per Week

Strength training helps burn calories when we are resting because muscles at rest require calories, while fat cells at rest do not. When we increase our lean body mass, we burn more calories throughout the day, including when we sleep. Also, when we strengthen our muscles, cardio workouts become more efficient creating an increase caloric burn for both. Just remember to warmup before and stretch after and consider taking some supplements.


Losing weight requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. To safely lose and maintain a healthy body weight over the long haul, it’s important to make slow, effective lifestyle changes.