Making a great turmeric elixir

Making a great turmeric elixir

by Evigan Xiao 13 Feb 2020

Turmeric’s reputation as a wonder-herb is both well-documented and well-earned. Although traditionally used in curry, the culinary applications of turmeric extend well beyond Indian cuisine. You may have heard of golden milk – a delightfully creamy beverage that can be made either with or without the use of dairy. But you’d be mistaken to think that there’s only one way to drink turmeric!


Being of Indian heritage herself, Charlie Thakrar sure knows her way around turmeric, especially with her recipe for a turmeric elixir! Aside from its delicious flavour, the turmeric in this concoction can be used to combat inflammation and cancer while improving liver function, lowering blood sugar levels and aiding in digestion.



  • 4 tbsp fresh turmeric, peeled and grated
  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 1 lemon, sliced and quartered
  • 1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • ½ cup raw honey



  1. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.  Pound the mixture slightly to release the juices.
  2. Add one to two teaspoons of the turmeric paste to one cup of hot water and mix thoroughly.


While the idea of adding black pepper to a drink might sound odd to some, doing so actually helps to boost the bioavailability of turmeric by up to 2000%. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a traditional recipe involving turmeric that doesn’t include pepper as well!


Ginger’s ability to aid in digestion is always welcome, especially after a day of heavy eating! The use of cinnamon powder also helps the body to better utilise the glucose in the honey as energy. Cinnamon is known to be a glucose disposal agent, and can even help boost insulin sensititivity. Just be careful not to add too much!


Since the paste can be stored for up to a month in a refrigerated environment, it would probably be a good idea to keep small stash in your office’s pantry. Working lunches tend end up on the south side of things when it concerns healthy eating, so it’s always handy to have a little potion on standby to help with unwelcome feelings of bloat. Keep yours in a neatly labelled mason jar, though we can’t guarantee that your colleagues take a nip of it from time to time!